We’re Still Making Culinary Mistakes That Should Be Avoided

We often unconsciously adopt methods of doing things from our relatives and others around us, subconsciously incorporating them into our routine for years. At the same time, we assume that since these methods have been used for a long time, they must be effective and solely true. However, in fact, the noble age of certain traditions, like those in the culinary arts, for example, doesn’t always mean we should follow them.

Defrosting meat at room temperature

In order to defrost meat faster, we tend to leave it on the countertop at room temperature. However, this isn’t the best option. The reproduction of bacteria accelerates in such conditions, and it is very easy to miss the moment when the meat actually starts to go bad because it won’t be noticeable on the outside.

It’s much safer to defrost meat products in the fridge, experts believe. It can take a bit more time but the meat will be fresh and cooled down. Another faster and less time-consuming option is defrosting in cold water. For this, you need to place the meat in an airtight package and put it into a container with water. Make sure to change the water in the container every half hour.



Rinsing vegetables with water instead of washing them with your hands

Everyone understands that vegetables should be washed before cooking. However, simply holding them under a stream of water and sluggishly stirring them in a colander is insufficient. While this may help remove visible dirt, pesticides, microbes, and ingrained dirt will not be washed away.

According to researchers, the most important thing to remember when washing vegetables and fruits is the mechanical action — it’s necessary to rub the food under the water with your hands. Experts also recommend soaking vegetables and fruits in water with a dash of baking soda.


 Adding non-soaked dried fruits to dishes

Dried fruits can be eaten without soaking them. But if you plan on adding them to a salad or a baked good, it’s necessary to steep them in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

This step will make them softer, and the taste will become more vivid. What’s more, steeping is extremely important when it comes to baking because dried fruits can absorb moisture, thus breaking the recipe balance, leaving you with an unexpected result.


Boiling potatoes without a lid

To make potatoes boil more evenly and fast, it’s worth covering the pot with a lid, as this will accumulate and retain heat more efficiently. However, there is a common misconception that says this can cause the potatoes to fall apart.

In fact, this dreaded effect isn’t actually due to the lid, but rather, to put the potatoes in boiling water. It makes the outer part of the potatoes boil faster and, of course, they start falling apart by the time the insides reach the necessary degree of readiness.


Putting garlic on the frying pan in advance

Garlic fries very fast — perhaps you’ve already noticed this. The simultaneous addition of garlic and onion to the pan poses a problem since within the same time garlic manages to almost burn, the onion becomes just barely golden.

To make the frying process of onions and garlic more uniform, you need to chop the garlic into large pieces. Or, if the recipe asks for grated or finely chopped garlic, keep in mind that it will fry within 10 seconds. This means that it’s better to first prepare other ingredients, then add them to the garlic immediately. You can also chop and add garlic as the last ingredient.


Always kneading dough for a long time

Oftentimes, we use approximately the same approach when it comes to preparing dough for different types of baked goods. But things that are good for one dish can be bad for another. Long mixing and kneading of the dough makes it denser and more elastic due to the active release of gluten.

This option is perfect for cooking pizza, but it’s not that good for cooking pies. That’s because the dough in pies, as a rule, should be puffy, tender, and crumbly rather than tight and compact. That’s why we should keep this method in mind to get tastier baked goods.


Frying meat right after applying spices to it

To ensure that a steak becomes crispy when frying it, don’t throw it into the pan immediately after adding spices. The salted meat gives off a large amount of moisture, which, in the end, can prevent it from roasting and will make it boil. Or you’ll have to keep meat pieces on the fire longer, which will lead to dryness.

In order to prevent that from happening, let the meat sit with spices on it for 15 minutes, periodically blotting out any released moisture with a paper towel.



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