What does it symbolize when a person who passed away appears in your dream

Some people remember their dreams, while others either don’t dream or simply can’t recall them. But what do dreams mean? While many believe dreams carry messages from unseen forces we can’t perceive while awake, some scientists argue that dreams are merely a byproduct of the brain’s neuronal processes.

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Even when we’re asleep, our brains remain highly active. Sometimes dreams reflect the events of our day, while other times, they represent our fears. But what does it signify when we dream of someone who has passed away?

These dreams can often be linked to the grieving process or a transitional period in our lives. According to Healthline, they may symbolize the latter.

Such dreams commonly occur during significant life changes, like starting a new job, moving to a new place, or forming new relationships.

However, more important than the dream itself is how it makes us feel.

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Dr. Rubin Naiman, a psychologist with years of experience studying sleep, suggests that “Dream interpretation is about decoding the dream. It enlightens us and expands our awareness psychologically, [offering an] expansion of consciousness.”

Dreaming of someone who has passed may relate to life transitions and how we process those changes.

Dr. Naiman further explains two contrasting perspectives on dreams:

  • “A lot of contemporary neuroscientists believe that during REM sleep, the brain is involved in maintenance tasks, and it accidentally ‘kicks up dust’ visually. At that end, dreaming is considered totally meaningless.”
  • On the other hand, he notes, “The other end is that dreaming is more substantial than waking. And we see this in ‘dream cultures,’ such as the indigenous people of Australia, who believe dreaming is intrinsic to our spiritual existence.”

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Experts often classify dreams about deceased individuals into four categories:

  1. Processing Loss: Dreaming of someone who has passed may be the brain’s way of working through the pain of their absence.
  2. Unresolved Feelings: If we didn’t resolve issues with the deceased before their passing, guilt or regret might manifest in these dreams.
  3. Reflection of Ourselves: According to Lauri Loewenberg, a dream analyst, such dreams may arise if we notice behaviors in ourselves that remind us of the deceased, such as bad habits like substance abuse.
  4. Visitation Dreams: Some experts suggest that these dreams might be a visit from the deceased, especially if they appear happy, well-dressed, or in good spirits. Feeling positive about the dream may signify a message, such as a simple “Hello.”

Regardless of one’s beliefs about dreams, they often carry profound meaning. Dreams can provide insight into our soul and our emotional connection to the deceased, offering a glimpse into the bond we shared with them.

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