What must the boy do to escape the dangerous situation?

If you ever find yourself stuck in a tree and confronted by wild animals or poisonous snakes, staying calm and taking precautionary steps is essential for your safety. Here are some strategies to help protect yourself in these situations:

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1. Dealing with Wild Animals:
  • Remain quiet and still: Refrain from making noise or moving suddenly, as this could attract the attention of the animals.
  • Avoid making eye contact: Many animals interpret direct eye contact as a threat. Look away or down to avoid provoking them.
  • Seek shelter: If possible, move higher up the tree or find thick foliage to hide in.
  • Wait patiently: Do not engage with the animal. It will likely leave once it senses no immediate danger.
2. Dealing with Venomous Snakes:
  • Keep a safe distance: If you notice a snake, do not approach it. Stay far away.
  • Create subtle vibrations: Gently tap the ground or the tree trunk with a long stick or your foot. The vibrations may encourage the snake to slither away.
  • Avoid confrontation: Do not attempt to catch or harm the snake, as this can trigger it to strike in self-defense.
  • Observe and wait: Snakes usually don’t attack unless provoked, so give it time to move away before resuming your activities.
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