What you See First in this Image Reveals Why You Still Haven’t Found Love

Optical Illusion images reveal a lot about your personality, both the positives as well as the negatives. What if we tell you that an optical illusion test can throw light on your love life? There are people who are apprehensive about falling in love and getting hurt again. While they hold others responsible for their emotional turmoil, there could be a possibility that they themselves are standing in their way of a life full of love.

According to a report in yourtango.com, the cause of loneliness might just be a person’s own internal apprehension, and their view of the world might have been corrupted by their past experiences.

The aforementioned report has an image along with a description of your perspective, depending on what you see first in this optical illusion image. Take a look:

What you See First in this Image Reveals Why You Still Havent Found Love

1. The moon

People who notice the moon first are not particularly comfortable about letting their guard down. They crave intimacy and believe it is an experience that will only make them a better person. However, when it comes to lowering their defences and letting other people in, they just aren’t keen to do it. The report suggests that it’s time to unmoor from the dock of distrust and ride the waves.

2. The whale

According to the report, if a person sees the whale first, they feel lonely because they are always looking out for number one. Such people may have been fixated on some preconceived notions. “It’s not that you’re a selfish person, it’s just that you have a lot planned for yourself, and you know that love means sometimes putting someone else’s needs above your own,” stated the report.

3. The surfer

The surfer in this image symbolises a free spirit. If an individual notices the surfer first, they feel lonely because they are afraid of being tied down. Love, for such people, may not exactly feel liberating like open skies, rather they see it as a high tide that forces them to lower their sails. “Wait the storm of your internal monologue out instead of being a flight risk when love gets real. When the skies open up again, a day out at sea might turn out to be the catch of a lifetime,” the report stated.

So, what do you see first in the image?

Source: news18

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