With tears in their eyes, Jase and Missy Robertson make the heartbreaking announcement

Mia Robertson, the youngest daughter of Duck Dynasty stars Jase and Missy Robertson, was born with a condition called cleft lip and palate, which creates a gap in the upper lip and sometimes affects the gum as well.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in every 1,600 babies in the U.S. is born with a cleft lip and palate.

Due to her condition, 18-year-old Mia has undergone 13 surgeries, with her 14th surgery taking place recently. The family is hopeful that this will be Mia’s final procedure, bringing a resolution to her ongoing health challenges.

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Throughout each surgery, the young girl stays optimistic. Most importantly, she hopes to inspire other young children born with the same condition. On her own accord and with the support of her family, Mia created the Mia Moo Fund to ensure every child can wear a smile.

“One of the functions of the Mia Moo Fund is to spread awareness of the cleft lip and palate journey,” Missy Robertson shared with Christian Post. “The other one is to help with medical funds for the parents and families living right here in America.”

On his podcast Unashamed, Jase Robertson provided an update on Mia’s condition, revealing that his daughter is making great progress.

“She’s doing great. She’s turned a corner,” he shared, adding, “Everything seems great, seems to be fine.”

“The surgery took a bit longer than anticipated, but she is home and recovering,” the devoted father told his podcast audience. “Thank you for praying for her and for our family. She is a champion!”


Before the surgery, Missy shared details about her daughter’s condition and mentioned how she had frequently been asked about the number of procedures Mia might need in the future. “There is never any other response than ‘We just don’t know,’” Missy explained.

She then went on to say that they turn to God for support. “Since she is 18 now, she is taking the lead in all the discussions and medical forms. It’s been a little strange,” Missy wrote. “But it’s just another reminder to lean on the Lord and that I’m not in control.”

Mia also expresses hope that she’s nearing “the finish line.”

“Hopefully the last time I’ll see my doctors in this setting! It’s been a long road but we are at the finish line,” the brave Mia shared.


Tragically, the family faced the heartbreak of losing their unborn child back in 2002. Missy experienced a miscarriage between eight and ten weeks into her second pregnancy, and this loss took a heavy emotional and physical toll on them. Mia was born shortly after.

The Robertson family is now preparing for a new chapter as they open their hearts and home to a child whose mother was unable to care for them.

We wish Mia a speedy recovery.

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