Woman stops doing housework after husband tells her she does nothing

Balancing work life with the daily demands of family, there’s no question. The modern-day woman has a lot on her plate. However, she has so much more to balance when her partner or husband expects for her to keep up with all the housework too! Something that Lindsay Donnelly is currently facing.

Disgruntled About Housework

Lindsay Donnelly from Connecticut has become TikTok famous after deciding to boycott housework and recording the results. The mom of 2 disclosed that both she and her husband work full-time. She also explained and that he does the “majority of the cooking.” However, a problem arose when he made a comment about how she does nothing, including housework. She notes the pair often tried to share those responsibilities but was still unhappy about his comment. After all, it minimizes her everyday efforts.

“The night he made the comment, I was getting the kids ready for bed, and he was cleaning up in the kitchen,” Donnelly explained. “I noticed he was kind of grumpy and I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ And that’s when he made the comment about me doing nothing around the house.”

Deciding not to be grumpy back, “I didn’t want to yell and scream and fight about it. I wanted to prove a point in a funny way.” Lindsay said.

dirty bathroom
Image Credit: @lindsaydonnelly | TikTok

Housework Debate Goes Viral

The TikTok video now has more than 17 million views and has generated quite a lot of feedback. In the viral video explaining his comment, she would give him a visual of how much housework she does. She shows the kitchen and floors out of order. She shows how piled up the laundry has gotten and how gross the bathroom has become. The situation got even worse when Lindsay went out of town for a girls’ trip, and the house became even more overrun with clutter and filth.

Ultimately, after gaining a new perspective, Lindsay’s husband did apologize for his remark. But not before she posted a second video in which she jokingly stated, “might accidentally roast you in a TikTok video and let 7 million people join in on the fun.” Although she does share that her husband is “almost perfect” it seems many women are unamused by his antics.

Housework Divides

Unsurprisingly, his comment sparked some outrage because these days some comedy can be mistaken for malicious or cruel intended. Some women commented that they would not tolerate that kind of disrespect. One stated, “My future guy is gonna be walking on eggshells, because if he said something like this to me, I’d just leave.” Meanwhile, another shared, “This same thing happened to me. Filed for divorce yesterday.”

Another also commented, “I left 2 weeks for a trip, and he decided to start paying for a housekeeper since.”

dirty living room
Image Credit: @lindsaydonnelly | TikTok

While it’s clear that many women feel underappreciated by their spouses several women shared, they have partners who contribute to and help with the housework. Moreover, another user urged women not to settle. She shared that her partner goes on a “chore frenzy” when she goes out with the girls. “That’s how he shows he appreciates how hard I work to keep the house tidy.” she explained. Comically, one woman disclosed that she’d love to boycott housework and tried one time. However, she forgot that she was doing so and ended up “absentmindedly” tidying up anyway.

Source: secretlifeofmom

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