Women Leave Their Relationship When They Deeply Feel These Things

Reasons why women leave a relationship even if she loves the man
1.Lack of presence of their partner.

It is obvious that you would should spend time with your partner. Of course, that does not mean being all over each other all the time. But you definitely want to go on dates, have meals together, going on movies, or just be next to each other.

But a male partner who can not give time to his woman always comes up with excuses for every situation. For example, he is working or he is with friends or he is just at home doing his own thing, which actually hurt the woman. She feels least prioritized by her boyfriend. And due to these reasons, women leave a relationship.

2. Feeling left alone

Women all want to feel that they matter to their partner’s lives. A woman always invests everything of her to nurture a relationship. She focuses too much on the man she loves.

But in contrast, men easily detach from the relationship when they feel comfortable in it. A man often fails to make his partner feel special. He forgets to support his partner emotionally. But when a woman feels that she is not that important to you, it is not a good sign for the relationship.

Women are not only sensitive but also really head-strong. If at any point she feels that she has been left alone in the relationship, she will simply end that. And even if she loves you, she will not continue with you.

3. Feeling unacknowledged

Being unacknowledged every time hurts very badly especially to a woman. She will feel you are not listening to her properly.

She wants to feel accepted, respected, and understood. She is conversing with her man because she feels a connection. And communication matters to her very much. It actually shows your love for her. Communication is very much synonymous and equal to love for a woman.

4. Feeling insecure

It is very natural to have insecurities as a human being but too much insecurity only damages the relationship.

None of us wants to get controlled. Your jealousy and insecurity would make her take permission about everything. And then the worse will happen, you will start checking her phone and keep an eye on her every move. It will definitely be suffocating to her. And then the only option for her will be ending the relationship.

5. Feeling the passion is no longer there

Having an intimate passion between the two is definitely one of the important things in a relationship. But routine and boring intimacy can be very upsetting to women. They want some spark and passion for intimacy. Two people getting intimate should definitely be consensual. Forcing your partner to get intimate is not the right thing to do. But if you both want to have some intimate time, add a bit spice into it.

Women have a lot of insecurities about themselves. So, when they are feeling that they are not desired by her man she will leave the relationship. Getting satisfied in a relationship matters to women.

6. Comparing her to other women can definitely end a relationship

If you are comparing your girlfriend or wife with other women, it is definitely a wrong thing to do. Your partner should be the most loved and cherished person to you.

If you are constantly making a comparison of your partner to your ex, your colleague, your friend, family member, then you are creating problems yourself. Everyone is a different individual and nobody loves to live in anyone’s shadow.

Constant comparison harms an individual’s self-esteem. A woman having a strong personality and knowing her worth will never entertain your comparison. She will not tolerate this thing and will step out of the relationship.

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