{"id":74070,"date":"2024-07-24T10:47:36","date_gmt":"2024-07-24T03:47:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=74070"},"modified":"2024-07-24T10:49:51","modified_gmt":"2024-07-24T03:49:51","slug":"the-story-about-the-first-person-in-europe-with-down-syndrome-who-managed-to-get-an-education-and-find-a-job","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/the-story-about-the-first-person-in-europe-with-down-syndrome-who-managed-to-get-an-education-and-find-a-job\/","title":{"rendered":"The Story About the First Person in Europe With Down Syndrome Who Managed to Get an Education and Find a Job"},"content":{"rendered":"

The movie is fictional, but it could easily be a documentary. The thing is, the main part in the film about the only person in Europe with Down Syndrome that managed to get a college degree and find a job is really played by the only European man with Down syndrome and a college degree \u2014 Pablo Pineda.\n


After the film was released, he\u00a0instantly became world-famous. However, in\u00a0his hometown of\u00a0Malaga, everyone already knew who he\u00a0was. We\u00a0at\u00a0Bright Side\u00a0have watched the film and we\u00a0got so\u00a0inspired by\u00a0his personality that we\u00a0decided to\u00a0share what kind of\u00a0life Pablo Pineda really lives.\n\n


Pablo\u00a0was born\u00a0on\u00a0August\u00a05, 1974. He\u00a0was the fourth child in\u00a0the\u00a0family\u00a0of\u00a0a\u00a0housewife and a\u00a0theater director. The mother, who was busy with Pablo\u2019s older brothers, didn\u2019t notice that the baby was different from the others. 3\u00a0months later, the father, who understood everything from the very beginning, decided to\u00a0tell her about their son\u2019s diagnosis.\n

45\u00a0years ago, the world was a\u00a0different place, and Pablo\u2019s story could just as\u00a0well have ended right there, but everything went down a\u00a0different path. After crying non-stop for 3\u00a0days, his mother Maria Theresa decided that the fact that her son was genetically \u201cdifferent\u201d shouldn\u2019t influence his life at\u00a0all.\n

So, his parents decided not to\u00a0treat little Pablo any different than his brothers. They didn\u2019t hover around him, they didn\u2019t help him dress himself, they didn\u2019t help him find friends, and they gave him as\u00a0much love and support as\u00a0they could. Maybe this was what defined the course of\u00a0his future life.\n\n


Pablo\u2019s father, the director of\u00a0the Cervantes theater, was a\u00a0very well-educated man, he\u00a0read books to\u00a0his son every day, and he\u00a0even taught him foreign languages, including Latin. And his mother often talked to\u00a0him about modern life in\u00a0society.\n

As\u00a0a\u00a0result, at\u00a0the age of\u00a05, Pablo was able to\u00a0go\u00a0to\u00a0school because he\u00a0surprised his teachers with his sharp mind and deep knowledge.\n

It\u00a0was actually in\u00a0school that Pablo\u00a0learned\u00a0he\u00a0was different from other children: at\u00a0the age of\u00a07, his teacher decided to\u00a0tell him about\u00a0it. When the boy heard he\u00a0had Down syndrome, he\u00a0just asked, \u201cDoes that mean I\u00a0am stupid?\u201d and when he\u00a0heard a\u00a0solid \u201cNo\u201d he\u00a0just decided to\u00a0not pay attention to\u00a0it.\n\n


Down syndrome is a disorder that stems from a person having one extra chromosome, but it is this chromosome that impacts a whole number of physiological features which include: a long tongue, slanted eyes, short stature, low muscle tone, thick fingers, and possible difficulties in learning new information. And Pablo Pineda was able to turn all of these things into advantages.\n

Low muscle tone gives him incredible flexibility: for example, he can get into a lotus position without any trouble whatsoever. His long tongue is just another reason for him to work on his pronunciation and his thick fingers were easy to train when he was doing homework for school. This was what Pablo did: he spent 6-7 hours a day learning new material. And in order to concentrate better, he turned on loud, rhythmic music.\n

Pablo has inspired other people and he was the first example, but now he is not the only one. After he finished school, people in Spain started to give their children with Down syndrome a chance to attend classes in regular school, and now 85% of children with Down syndrome go to regular schools.\n
