{"id":80985,"date":"2024-09-16T11:32:23","date_gmt":"2024-09-16T04:32:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=80985"},"modified":"2024-09-16T11:32:23","modified_gmt":"2024-09-16T04:32:23","slug":"i-took-a-family-vacation-and-now-i-know-holidays-with-children-arent-a-rest-at-all","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/i-took-a-family-vacation-and-now-i-know-holidays-with-children-arent-a-rest-at-all\/","title":{"rendered":"I Took a Family Vacation and Now I Know Holidays With Children Aren\u2019t a Rest at All"},"content":{"rendered":"
My name is Mary, and I want to share my thoughts on why vacations with children are not relaxing at all, just like maternity leave. However, that does not stop us, parents, from enjoying various trips with our little ones.\n\n
Every mom knows: you can\u2019t take your eyes off your child for a\u00a0second, or\u00a0they might get hurt, eat something they shouldn\u2019t, or\u00a0vanish altogether. I\u00a0once lost my\u00a03-year-old son at\u00a0a\u00a0train station. It\u00a0was crowded with people, trains, and suitcases. My\u00a0heart sank.\n
Then I\u00a0saw some woman holding my\u00a0son\u2019s hand and walking away. I\u00a0ran after them, caught\u00a0up, and my\u00a0son ran to\u00a0me. The woman turned out to\u00a0be\u00a0harmless: she was just taking my\u00a0son to\u00a0the information desk. I\u00a0breathed a\u00a0sigh of\u00a0relief.\n
That\u2019s how vacations with children are: you have to\u00a0be\u00a0constantly alert, so\u00a0you don\u2019t lose your child in\u00a0any way. It\u2019s easier with a\u00a0baby who can only eat and sleep (and not crawl or\u00a0walk yet). With children from one to\u00a018\u00a0years old, you can\u2019t relax: the younger ones always try to\u00a0fall, run away, or\u00a0break something, and the older ones get into various adventures.\n\n
Travelling with young children can be\u00a0challenging and stressful. Parents may wonder if\u00a0it\u00a0is\u00a0worth going to\u00a0the other side of\u00a0the world when they cannot predict how their child will cope with a\u00a0long flight, a\u00a0different climate, a\u00a0foreign cuisine, or\u00a0a\u00a0potential illness without a\u00a0reliable pediatrician nearby.\n
Similar problems arise with shorter trips. For example, my\u00a0son used to\u00a0get seasick in\u00a0any mode of\u00a0transportation until he\u00a0was seven years old, and he\u00a0could not take any medication for it\u00a0because of\u00a0his allergy. He\u00a0would turn from a\u00a0happy kid to\u00a0a\u00a0miserable one after 30\u00a0minutes in\u00a0a\u00a0car, a\u00a0boat, or\u00a0a\u00a0train, and it\u00a0would stress everyone out.\n With children, parents\u2019 preferences become less important. It\u00a0does not matter if\u00a0mom wants to\u00a0go\u00a0to\u00a0Goa or\u00a0dad wants to\u00a0go\u00a0camping, when even a\u00a0visit to\u00a0the nearest park requires more than a\u00a0day of\u00a0planning.\n\n Children seem to\u00a0attract all kinds of\u00a0illnesses, and it\u00a0has always been like that. When I\u00a0was a\u00a0little girl, my\u00a0parents took me\u00a0to\u00a0the sea with a\u00a0large group of\u00a0adults and children. We\u00a0all swam until our lips turned blue on\u00a0the first day, and the next day\u00a0I ended up\u00a0in\u00a0the local\u00a0hospital\u00a0with my\u00a0mom\u00a0\u2014 I\u00a0had a\u00a0fever of\u00a0almost 104\u00a0\u00b0F.\n I\u00a0got strep throat, and we\u00a0spent 12\u00a0out of\u00a0the 14\u00a0days of\u00a0our vacation in\u00a0the hospital (my\u00a0mom had to\u00a0pay extra for staying with\u00a0me). I\u00a0only saw the sea once during the whole trip, but\u00a0I got to\u00a0know the hospital very well.\n Now I\u00a0am a\u00a0mom and my\u00a0first aid kit takes up\u00a0half of\u00a0my\u00a0suitcase because\u00a0I also have to\u00a0bring an\u00a0inhaler and some medicines that are not available everywhere. My\u00a0son had already caught rotavirus, flu, and conjunctivitis on\u00a0vacation. He\u00a0also hurt his forehead on\u00a0the playground. And that was sort of\u00a0a\u00a0not-so-severe case. Our neighbor\u2019s daughter, for example, came back from the sea with a\u00a0cast on\u00a0her leg last year, and on\u00a0her arm this year.\n\n Different people have different preferences for their vacations. For example, I\u00a0love visiting the zoo in\u00a0every city, spending hours there, and learning fun facts about animals, but my\u00a0son does not share my\u00a0enthusiasm. He\u00a0gets bored easily by\u00a0looking at\u00a0giraffes or\u00a0elephants, and he\u00a0is\u00a0more interested in\u00a0the rides he\u00a0sees nearby. He\u00a0does not complain, but it\u00a0is\u00a0not fun to\u00a0walk with a\u00a0sad and sighing child. I\u00a0compromise, trading otters and gazelles for carousels.\n Parents often have to give up their own interests for their children, and vacations are no exception. We skipped a lake in the forest because my son gets nauseous in the car. I do not plan long walks in the old towns that I adore, as the child cannot walk for many miles in the direction I want. Of course, children grow up, but I don\u2019t know yet when things will get easy.\n\nChildren are more susceptible to\u00a0infections than adults.\n\n
My\u00a0kid doesn\u2019t want to\u00a0vacation like I\u00a0do.\n\n
Sometimes I\u00a0feel we\u00a0shouldn\u2019t have those vacations at\u00a0all.\n\n