{"id":82016,"date":"2024-09-23T13:49:52","date_gmt":"2024-09-23T06:49:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=82016"},"modified":"2024-09-23T13:51:24","modified_gmt":"2024-09-23T06:51:24","slug":"the-rich-neighbors-son-broke-my-window-they-wouldnt-pay-up-but-karma-came-back-to-them-in-an-unforeseen-way","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/the-rich-neighbors-son-broke-my-window-they-wouldnt-pay-up-but-karma-came-back-to-them-in-an-unforeseen-way\/","title":{"rendered":"The rich neighbor\u2019s son broke my window \u2014 They wouldn\u2019t pay up, but karma came back to them in an unforeseen way"},"content":{"rendered":"
As she was placing the last dish on the dining table and asked her sweet 6-year-old daughter to join in, a woman named Angela, a single mom of Penny and two fur babies, a dog and a cat, heard a loud noise of her living room window shattering into a million pieces. The glass shattered all over the place and on the food she put so much effort in preparing.\n
Penny trembled with fear and kept asking what happened. The baseball nearly hit her in the head. It flew less than an inch away.\n
Angela took her daughter in her arms, trying to comfort her, but she knew she needed to confront the culprit behind the act.\n
During the last couple of months, their first door neighbor\u2019s son discovered baseball and the entire neighborhood turned into a practice pitch ever since with balls flying all over the place. The 15-year-old had previously hit the elderly neighbor who needed to be taken to the emergency room. Mrs. Harrison was yet another of the boy\u2019s \u201cvictims.\u201d While plucking weed, one of the balls hit her so hard that she needed minutes to figure out where that harsh blow came from.\n
In fact, most of the neighbors were forced to place wooden planks on their windows in order to prevent them to get broken by the boy whose father was filthy rich and let his son do whatever he pleased.\n
They were petrified of him.\n
But Angela had it enough. She knew just how important it was for young children and teenagers to be involved with sports, but this boy acted as though he owned the entire neighborhood, so she decided to act.\n
Rushing towards the boy\u2019s place, she noticed his father polishing his extremely expensive car.\n
With the ball in her hand, which was all covered in blueberry pie where it landed, she told her neighbor about what had happened and that his son broke her window and nearly hit her daughter in the head.\n
Looking at her as though he was looking at a peasant, he said she shouldn\u2019t be that certain it was his son who did the damage because she didn\u2019t have any proof.\n
He refused to apologize and to pay for the window repair, telling her to go away because he had a birthday party to organize. What\u2019s most, he threatened to call the police on her for trespassing. As Angela turned around ready to head home, he turned on the sprinkles and made her all wet.\n
That evening guests started to arrive at his place. His birthday party seemed to be spot on, with a band, disco balls, and all sort of food brought by two different catering companies.\n
A group of young men wearing jerseys and having footballs in their hands got in front of the pretentious neighbor\u2019s home, made a line and started shooting the balls towards the house. As windows shattered, the guests could be heard screaming in shock.\n
The young men then left, leaving the neighbor furious. He started screaming and running towards them, but they were young and quite faster than him.\n