{"id":82901,"date":"2024-09-30T13:38:26","date_gmt":"2024-09-30T06:38:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=82901"},"modified":"2024-09-30T13:41:29","modified_gmt":"2024-09-30T06:41:29","slug":"i-accidentally-found-out-my-mom-doesnt-consider-me-as-her-daughter","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/i-accidentally-found-out-my-mom-doesnt-consider-me-as-her-daughter\/","title":{"rendered":"I Accidentally Found Out My Mom Doesn\u2019t Consider Me as Her Daughter"},"content":{"rendered":"
But sometimes, a mother-daughter relationship brings nothing but frustration to either side of this union. Our today\u2019s heroine has experienced a huge disappointment because of her mother\u2019s attitude to her. She told us her heart-wrenching story, seeking some support and advice, and we want to share it with the rest of our readers.\n
Rachel, 33, who\u2019s currently living in\u00a0Kansas, is\u00a0a\u00a0woman, who has accidentally found out that her own mother is\u00a0ashamed of\u00a0her and doesn\u2019t want to\u00a0consider her as\u00a0her own daughter, especially when in\u00a0public. Rachel wrote a\u00a0letter to\u00a0our editorial, where she told\u00a0us the story of\u00a0her relationship with her mom. The woman wrote that she and her mom, whose name\u2019s Angela, have been in\u00a0some strange relationship since the time Rachel was a\u00a0child.\n
Angela, who\u2019s now 50\u00a0years old, gave birth to\u00a0her single daughter when she was 17. When Rachel grew\u00a0up, her mom often told her that it\u00a0was a\u00a0real challenge for her to\u00a0raise a\u00a0baby and to\u00a0manage her studies and then work. At\u00a0the same time, Angela told that she had never even had a\u00a0thought shat she shouldn\u2019t have given birth at\u00a017. Rachel recalls that her mom had never expressed any regret about having her and treated her with love and care, just like all moms\u00a0do.\n
However, the woman revealed that her relationship with her mom wasn\u2019t always stable. Angela would shower her daughter with love, buy her only the best things, take care of\u00a0her when Rachel was ill, but then she would suddenly change her attitude for the opposite. Rachel recalled that there were times when she felt absolutely abandoned by\u00a0her mom, as\u00a0Angela would treat her like an\u00a0absolute stranger, only taking care of\u00a0her basic needs, but not showing any interest in\u00a0emotional contact.\n\n
The woman goes on\u00a0with her story, saying that her mom seemed to\u00a0never agree with her life choices. Rachel works as\u00a0a\u00a0secretary in\u00a0a\u00a0small company that sells spare parts for vehicles. Angela has always been saying that Rachel should be\u00a0more career-oriented and get a\u00a0promotion.\n
When in\u00a0public, she liked to\u00a0exaggerate Rachel\u2019s job achievements and often lied to\u00a0people about her daughter\u2019s career status, trying to\u00a0present her like a\u00a0more successful woman. Rachel says that her mom definitely had her own understanding of\u00a0\u201csuccess\u201d and acted like her daughter was not good enough.\n
The same situation was with Rachel\u2019s private life. Whenever she started a\u00a0relationship with a\u00a0man, Angela was there with her advice and criticism. She didn\u2019t approve of\u00a0most of\u00a0her daughter\u2019s love choices. Rachel ended up\u00a0hiding her current relationship from her mom, and Angela was thinking her daughter was single, when in\u00a0fact, she wasn\u2019t.\n
All of these made Rachel feel that not only her mom had too ambitious plans towards her, but she was actually ashamed of her daughter. When this thought first came to Rachel\u2019s mind, she simply decided to let it go and accepted her mom\u2019s decisions. But little did she know that the most frustrating revelation was still waiting ahead.\n\n