{"id":83449,"date":"2024-10-03T14:06:40","date_gmt":"2024-10-03T07:06:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=83449"},"modified":"2024-10-03T14:06:40","modified_gmt":"2024-10-03T07:06:40","slug":"i-want-a-divorce-because-of-the-awful-things-my-wife-said-to-me","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/i-want-a-divorce-because-of-the-awful-things-my-wife-said-to-me\/","title":{"rendered":"I Want a Divorce Because of the Awful Things My Wife Said to Me"},"content":{"rendered":"
About a\u00a0year ago, I\u00a0was out running errands. My\u00a0wife was asleep, the kids were playing, it\u00a0was a\u00a0Sunday. She finally woke up\u00a0at\u00a011:30. She called and asked me\u00a0where I\u00a0was. I\u00a0shared my\u00a0location, I\u00a0was in\u00a0Hone Depot or\u00a0next door at\u00a0the diner eating. I\u00a0was 30\u00a0minutes away. She demanded\u00a0I come home right that second.\n
Basically upset, she woke\u00a0up, and\u00a0I wasn\u2019t home. I\u00a0had been up\u00a0since 6:30 doing errands, exercising, and getting the kids settled, I\u00a0left at\u00a010:00\u00a0AM. I\u00a0take care of\u00a0the kids mainly because\u00a0I have a\u00a0flexible schedule. My\u00a0wife works PT. I\u00a0make 2x\u00a0more than her also.\n\n
\u00a9\u00a0JESHOOTS.com \/ Pexels\n
Well, I\u00a0take an\u00a0hour to\u00a0get home. When I\u00a0got back, she started yelling at\u00a0me, saying\u00a0I was worthless, and if\u00a0I don\u2019t want to\u00a0be\u00a0around the\u00a0family, she was going to\u00a0take the kids and leave.\n
Ever since then, knowing how family courts are, I\u00a0felt like\u00a0I was living with an\u00a0assassin. She has the target on\u00a0me\u00a0and is\u00a0just waiting to\u00a0pull the trigger. I\u00a0told her numerous times her statements and threats that day highly affected\u00a0me. I\u00a0went to\u00a0therapy and told my\u00a0therapist.\n\n
My\u00a0wife, my\u00a0friends, and my\u00a0parents all told me\u00a0I needed to\u00a0get over\u00a0it, and\u00a0I was being sensitive. Obviously, my\u00a0wife was just upset and apologized. Even my\u00a0therapist said she apologized, why isn\u2019t that enough?\n
Well, it\u2019s been a\u00a0year… I\u2019m still not over\u00a0it. Everyone including my\u00a0wife is\u00a0acting like everything is\u00a0great. We\u00a0just took a\u00a0week\u2019s\u00a0vacation\u00a0in\u00a0February as\u00a0a\u00a0family. I\u00a0was there, but\u00a0I feel like\u00a0I can\u2019t even openly speak to\u00a0my\u00a0wife anymore because battle lines have been drawn.\n
Am\u00a0I\u00a0wrong for holding my\u00a0wife\u2019s statements a\u00a0year later and being unable to\u00a0forgive her? I\u00a0am acting like everything is\u00a0fine. To\u00a0avoid interacting with her, I\u00a0took a\u00a0second job in\u00a0the evening after the kids got home from school and finished their homework. So\u00a0she just thinks I\u2019m busy, not avoiding her.\n\n
Our kids are Elementary age (7\u00a0and 9). The kids basically have their own floor with a\u00a0bedroom, bathroom, and playroom. I\u00a0wanted to\u00a0talk to\u00a0a\u00a0lawyer, and two business associates said they wouldn\u2019t give me\u00a0the name of\u00a0a\u00a0lawyer because I\u2019m overreacting.\n
I\u00a0talked to\u00a0a\u00a0couple of\u00a0people older than\u00a0me, both male and female, and they all kept telling me\u00a0I needed to\u00a0move on\u00a0and get over\u00a0it. I\u00a0have a\u00a0whole deck of\u00a0cards to\u00a0play before\u00a0I call a\u00a0lawyer. My\u00a0buddy who is\u00a055\u00a0hung up\u00a0on\u00a0me\u00a0when\u00a0I asked him. He\u00a0called me\u00a0back a\u00a0week later and said he\u00a0would drive me\u00a0to\u00a0meet with a\u00a0lawyer if\u00a0I still wanted\u00a0to.\n
We\u00a0live in\u00a0a\u00a0large Metro, but a\u00a0small\u00a0affluent\u00a0suburb. The type of\u00a0place where everyone is\u00a0very well-connected. I\u00a0took a\u00a0vacation with my\u00a0buddy last year, and we\u00a0ran into my\u00a0neighbor at\u00a0the airport, by\u00a0the time\u00a0I returned home a\u00a0few days later, people at\u00a0my\u00a0kids\u2019 school knew\u00a0I went out of\u00a0town and knew my\u00a0buddy\u2019s name. I\u00a0normally walk the same route every day with our dog. I\u00a0had a\u00a0foot injury, and couldn\u2019t walk for two weeks. I\u00a0was in\u00a0the local pharmacy and some random lady asked me\u00a0if\u00a0I was doing okay, she hadn\u2019t seen me\u00a0walking, and she knew what time to\u00a0leave for work based on\u00a0when\u00a0I walked by\u00a0the park near her house.\n\n