{"id":84221,"date":"2024-10-09T09:36:11","date_gmt":"2024-10-09T02:36:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/?p=84221"},"modified":"2024-10-09T09:36:11","modified_gmt":"2024-10-09T02:36:11","slug":"my-neighbor-asked-my-daughter-to-babysit-for-a-week-and-then-refused-to-pay-i-was-furious-and-taught-her-a-lesson","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/echowoven.com\/my-neighbor-asked-my-daughter-to-babysit-for-a-week-and-then-refused-to-pay-i-was-furious-and-taught-her-a-lesson\/","title":{"rendered":"My neighbor asked my daughter to babysit for a week and then refused to pay \u2013 I was furious and taught her a lesson"},"content":{"rendered":"

Lucy came through the door, her face pallid and wet with tears. I froze, the sight of her so unexpected and sh0cking that I remained motionless for a time.\n

My daughter didn\u2019t weep often, and when she did, it wasn\u2019t like this: tears clinging to her lashes, her chest rising and falling with ragged breaths, her entire body radiating pain.\n

\u201cLucy?\u201d I ran to her side and placed my hands on her shoulders. \u201cWhat happened?\u201d\n

For illustrative purposed only\n

She didn\u2019t respond straight immediately, instead shook her head and swiped at her cheeks, attempting to put herself together. But I could tell the fight in her was gone, which made my gut churn.\n

I took her by the shoulders and gently guided her to sit on the couch.\n

Her hands trembled as she fidgeted with the sleeve of her sweater, and I waited, my pulse racing as I attempted to prepare for whatever had shattered her so completely.\n


Finally, Lucy looked up at me, her voice just above a whisper. \u201cMom, she\u2026 she wouldn\u2019t pay me.\u201d\n

I blinked, perplexed. \u201cWhat do you mean?\u201d Who?\u201d\n
