People have been using it to relieve insomnia, reduce stress and anxiety, and several other health issues. However, there are not enough scientific data to support most of this anecdotal evidence.\n
With this in mind, any use of valerian for health should be done in consultation with your physician.\n
Potential Benefits & Uses of Valerian for Better Health\nAnxiety\n
Many praise valerian root as a safer and more natural alternative to anxiety meds like Xanax, Valium, and Ativan which influence the GABA receptors.\n
Some data, though weak, support such claims. Namely, the valerenic acid seems to enhance the receptors by boosting the transmission, but without the sedative effects that are common with drugs like Valium.\n
This may be helpful in treating anxiety and mood disorders.\n
What\u2019s more, a review from 2015 done by the Harvard Medical School found that of 12 traditional herbs for relief from anxiety, valerian was the most favorable one for bipolar.\n
This is one of the most popular uses of the valerian root. Although it\u2019s popular among people, the evidence that it actually encourages or betters sleep or sleep quality is scarce.\n
In fact, one review of studies done in 2015 published in the Sleep Medicine Reviews found that valerian root had no influence on sleep in 1602 participants suffering from insomnia.\n