You Might Want to Think Twice Before Killing Spiders In Your Home

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Your first instinct when spotting a spider in your home might be to grab something and squash it. But doing so could actually do more harm than good.

Our fear of spiders often comes from their unsettling appearance, their rapid movements, and the potential threat of venom.

In the UK, however, these eight-legged creatures are rarely a real danger. While spider bites do happen, AnimalWised reports that out of the 650+ species found in the country, only 12 have venom potent enough to pose any serious risk to humans.

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Spiders tend to steer clear of humans and are far more afraid of us than we are of them. They only resort to biting as a last defense when they feel provoked.

Generally, these arachnids are calm and non-aggressive, only biting when they sense danger—such as being trapped or accidentally crushed.

Squashing a spider not only kills the creature but also removes a valuable predator from your home. While eliminating one might offer brief relief, experts caution that it won’t last long. Without spiders, other pests will quickly take their place.

As natural insect hunters, spiders help control household pests like earwigs, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and clothes moths—keeping them from multiplying and taking over your space. Ironically, getting rid of all the spiders could invite more in since they also prey on each other.

While nearly all spiders produce venom, only a tiny fraction pose any real danger to humans. Most species have fangs that are either too short or too delicate to break through human skin, making their bites harmless in most cases.

How to get rid of a spider safely

If you come across a spider and don’t want to harm it but still feel uneasy having it around, there are safe ways to remove it.

One simple method is to gently trap it in a jar and release it outdoors.

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