You’re a genius if you can find “YOUR NAME” in the picture in 10 seconds

Let’s see if you’re a genius or just an average person. I have asked these questions, these riddles to many people and they all failed to answer correctly.

These questions will check how observant, and how logically sound you are. For every question, we have provided the answer, but first you have to give your best try. When you feel you have tried enough, then you can take a look at the answer.
How observant are you?

1. You’re a genius if you can find “YOUR NAME” in the picture in 10 seconds.


Okay so you have answered the first correctly, let’s move to the second stage. This task is really simple, you have to find your name in the mix of the alphabet. Somewhere in the puzzle lies the answer. Are you watching closely?
Time’s up mate! If you have found the answer then you know it’s something even a small kid could do. However, if you haven’t, then let’s start again. I asked you to find “YOUR NAME”. Got it, eh?

2. Find six horses in the picture.

We humans tend to find patterns in the randomness, it’s called pareidolia where the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists. There are six horses in the picture, horse-like figures hidden in the painting. Can you find it?
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Can’t find all the six horses? Here’s the answer.
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