You’re Smarter Than 95% of The Population If You Spot All The Differences In 12 Sec

This series of fun puzzles have the ability to put your observation skills to the test, each puzzle slightly more difficult than the last.

To make the challenge especially stimulating for the brain, there’s a time limit; see if you can decipher all of the “odd ones out” in just 15 seconds. If you succeed, you can count yourself among the upper echelons of highly observant folk.

Ready, set, and go!

1/ Puzzle 1

Screenshot 30 13

2/ Puzzle 2


3/ Puzzle 3

Screenshot 36 6

4/ Puzzle 4

Screenshot 14 31

5/ Puzzle 5

Screenshot 31 14

6/ Puzzle 6

Screenshot 35 6

Good job! The solution awaits you below:

1/ Puzzle 1

Screenshot 31 15

2/ Puzzle 2


3/ Puzzle 3

Screenshot 37 7

4/ Puzzle 4

Screenshot 15 27

5/ Puzzle 5

Screenshot 32 14

6/ Puzzle 6

Screenshot 36 5

Were you able to do it without cheating?? See if your friends can. Challenge them to beat your score.

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